The Limit, 1947. Private collection.
The Arshile Gorky Foundation was established in June 2005 by the artist’s widow, Mougouch Fielding (Agnes Magruder Gorky, 1921-2013), to further the public’s appreciation and understanding of the life and art of Arshile Gorky. In December 2006, as part of its founding mission, the Foundation initiated a comprehensive catalogue raisonné of Gorky’s known works, based on Jim M. Jordan and Robert Goldwater’s The Paintings of Arshile Gorky: A Critical Catalogue (1982) and the research of Melvin P. Lader, who worked on a catalogue raisonné of the artist’s drawings from the early 1990s until his untimely death in 2005. The Foundation collaborates with auction houses, galleries, museums, private collections, and libraries to supplement and update the existing research of these scholars. The inaugural installment of the Arshile Gorky Catalogue Raisonné, launched in November 2021, is currently available to the public at no charge, and from any location, as a web-based publication: www.gorkycatalogue.org. For more information, see the Catalogue Raisonné page of this website. We encourage anyone who owns a work by Gorky to contact the Foundation (please see the Artwork Submissions page of this website for further details). All information will be kept strictly confidential.
During the last fifteen years, the Foundation has gathered an extensive archive of scholarly papers, literature, unpublished research, and correspondence related to Gorky’s life and work. The Foundation also maintains a collection of artworks, predominately works on paper, by Gorky. In conjunction with scholars, curators and museums, the Foundation supports and provides expertise for Gorky exhibitions and other educational research topics.
The copyright for works by Arshile Gorky resides with the Arshile Gorky Foundation (please see the Rights and Reproductions page for further details).
The Arshile Gorky Foundation is a Delaware not-for-profit corporation without capital stock. We are not associated with the Yerevan-based organization of the same name.